Hey, you may want to grab a cuppa. This is the longest post I've written.
Phew, I think I've recovered from a hectic, wonderful weekend. A great time had by everyone that attended. The Grange was lovely warm, cozy and had great food over the weekend.The SFDAV held their convention at The Yarra Valley Grange in Warburton. We had some lovely interstate teachers come along, they were Wendy Ness and Janet Klepatzki.
Oh dear, so many things to take, think about and organise, I forgot to pack one of the main raffle prizes. I quilted this panel about six months ago for us to raffle on the weekend. I was sooo excited about the convention finally being here I forgot to pack it in the car, Oooops. The lucky lady, Toni was one of the first tickets pulled out and she chose this quilt as her prize.
Hm, I think I need to ask Santa for a new Camera, all my pictures seem blurry!
Up bright and early on Saturday morning for my first workshop.
I painted the Baby Leopard with Robyn Sherer.
If you ever have a chance to paint with this very talented teacher, then don't hesitate. This was a multi media piece using Jo Sonja acrylic paints, pencils and then glazed over with Archival oil paints.

As my title reads the theme for the weekend was "Christmas in July". Here is everyone dressed up for the Saturday night party, games, dancing and fun. I'm the silly snowman front right of the photo.
Sunday morning was my turn to teach. This piece is called "Oriental Theme" I used Jo Sonja Artists Acrylics. Over the top we've used Iridescent paints and Pearl White, then each petal, flower, butterfly is outlined in Rich Gold.A photo of the class nearly finished. Oh, excuse the light coming off my varnished piece.
Sunday afternoon I attended Effie Carayannis "Santa's Sleigh" workshop. This is an Oil Rouging technique on a ceramic plate using Archival oil paints. As you can see I haven't quite finished. I need to add paint to the baubles and some more shading.
Ok, Everyone that attended had such a great time, I've already been already been asked when is the next weekend. Soooo, I thought I will organise a weekend at the same place for around Spring time without workshops being organised. Just bring along any UFO's or other projects you would like to paint. Of course the cost would be cheaper and this weekend will be open to anyone. Drop me a line if your interested and I'll let you know the details. Email AnnaOk, now on to some other news; I've been tagged with my first Lovely Blog Award from Shabby Raggy Roses. Actually its my second tag, but I was the new kid on the block then and didn't know what or how to use it.
So now I have to pass on this Lovely Blog Award onto another ten blogs.......................
Hm, this is a hard one. There are lots of lovely, talented, genorous ladies out there, but here goes
1 Shabby Art Boutique
2 Country Wishes
3 Gail & Tony Mc Cormack
4 Tozz's Corner
5 Jenny of Elefantz
6 Sew Useful Designs
7 Tuppence Crafts
8 Mon Cherry
9 Art by Serena Lewis
10 Artistic Acents by Darla
Here are the rules of this award:
*Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
*Pass the award onto 10 other blogs that you have newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Happy Painting, sewing or crafting until next time.