My oldest baby will turn 19 years old this week. Oh my goodness, where has that time gone!
This was a photo of Cam taken recently. We are very proud parents of our guys. Cam is way above his years in maturity, Very passionate, caring, generous, great mate and lovable. Cam will complete his third year in Automotive Mechanics in March.
OK, here is picture of me now-don't look to closely-oh, they're laughter lines.I decided to have red streaks put in my hair for Christmas.
Of course I must keep applying the red or it turns pink, goodness knows what will happen after the Pink-I don't let it go that far.
I have had some very small amount of "ME TIME" recently and painted this powder bowl.I decided to paint a sweet, small design on the lid, so not to distract from the lace.
I've also had some time for stitching because its been way to hot to get into my studio, so I've just sat in front of the air conditioner and finished this Lavender stitchery. Lucky- because I've signed up for OPAM (one project a month) which could be bit tricky but also keeps me motivated.
This is just a sneak peak of my next sewing project. Hopefully I can finish it before the end of February, oh soo much hand sewing.
Happy Birthday, Love the red!, Your painted powder bowl is just delightful, and the lavender stitchery is exquisite, and i love the sneak peak! Let's hope you manage to get in more ME time for creating.
Have a lovely day.
Hi Anna,
Happy Birthday to Cam...they do grow sooo fast don't they!
Love what you've done. Must admit I must get into my craft too...I just cannot make up my mind which project i want to start and I still have Christmas on my mind. It would be silly to do an xmas project now.
Hi Anna, happy birthday to you still look the same when Cam was a baby. I really like your lavender wall hanging...just beautiful. BTW...what did you think of the 12yr old painter...talented, isn't she?
Happy Birthday to Cam!!!
You are even more beautiful now and I love your red streaks, Anna!
You have been keeping quite busy with projects...all are lovely. I really love how the project in the bottom pic is coming along. Nice work!
Hi Anna,
Happy Birthday to your son! And I agree, you look even more beautiful and self-aware (is that the right word?) now.
Love the powder bowl. Very cute. And also love that quilt in the white-ish colors. Hope you'll finish it before Feb.
Hug Monique
Bit of a dare devil your Cam, lovely photos, hope he had a great your streaks.....the bowl is gorgeous....and your stitchery is beautiful, congratulations on your finish...Peg OPAM 2010
dear anna
alvast van harte gefeliciteerd
de tijd vliegt voorbij
jij bent weinig veranderd vind ik
mooie foto!
en wat heb je die schaal práchtig mooi geschilderd zeg erg delicaat
mooi mooi mooi
ontvang een lieve groet
Cameron was such a cute baby and who is that young chick? Just kidding... I know that is you. I'm liking that red in your hair too.
I'm so glad you finally found some 'ME' time. Enjoy your projects.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Hello Anna,
My oldest is just 4 years old... Can't imagine they will be 19 one day!!!! I really like your powder-bowl... I think you must have a lot of patience!!!
Groetjes (that's dutch ) Cindy
I looove the hair colour !
Hi Anna,
We must have been pregnant at the same time, my youngest turns 19 this Sunday! (Youngest birth child that is, I have 2 step kids too). Happy birthday to your son!
happy birthday to your son and happy new year to you.
such a lovely picture of you, funny how we worry about our lines so much.
have a great weekend coming up
Dear Anna..
happy birthday to your son..
my youngest turns 21 in April & keeps hinting about a pressie etc ALREADY!!
I just say to him..."get over it are in your 4th yr uni..when i turned 21 in my 4th yr i was busy doing my final exams...SOO NO party for ME!! hence none for you"!!
doesnt that sound soooo mean!!
BUT he
is actually falling for it..
soo SSSHHH!!!
i will give hime a BIG surprise!! LOOK old..21?? 22??..
seriously lovely photo...& lovely craft work.
clever young lass!!
xx andrea
Ahhh..Anna I am glad you found some Me Time...very theropeutic :) Dont know if thats how you spell it but you know what I mean. Your sewing is looking lovely and I love the powder bowl...very pretty :)
Hi Anna
Happy Birthday to Cam
Doesn't it ever go quickly, but didn't we enjoy each and every year
Love your new projects, keep up the beautiful work
Anna - where does the time go to? You don't look any older than you did 19 years ago - motherhood must suit you.
Enjoy some "ME" time.
Your lavender stitchery is beautiful and I just love the button too!!
Oh wow, love the powder bowl, so delicate an very beautiful.
Your red streaks suit you. Very daring thing to do, you look beautiful.
You go blondish after the pink, my daughter has had this done. Her hair is naturally dark brown and has blonde streaks in,lol! The red did look awesome while it lasted.
Can just imagine how beautiful all you're stitching, etc is going to make this fabric look.
Lavinder, Mmmm! Beautiful!
Lovely to see you and hear about you're son. It is good to know they are doing what they love to do and being happy. I totally can see why you are so proud of him!
Have a awesome day!
Oh Anna, Your next project looks divine! I love the mix of white with pink & green. Can't wait to see it all finished! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I do appreciate it! And, Happy Birthday to Cam!! Luvs, R.
the bowl is gorgeous....and your stitchery is beautiful, congratulations on your finish...Peg OPAM 2010
Work from home India
Our youngest turns 19 in a few weeks..... must of been a good year...
I also love to paint and I also make dolls...
Cath Ü
Hi Anna...beautiful work you've been doing!
Love the picture of you and Cam...what a happy baby!
Hi Anna.
My baby just had his 36th birthday. Ouch!! The time just flew by too quickly. He is still my one and only and I love him just as much today as the day he was born. We are very close.
Your pictures are beautiful, Anna.
Your stitchery is beautiful, too. The little flowers you painted on the powder bowl are so sweet. It is wonderful that you take the time to be creative!!
♥ audrey
HI Anna
wow I love your powder box and cant wait to see your sewing project.. looks great and Im salavating over the trim.. yum yum!!!
congrats on your babies bday!
much love
Vic xxxx
Hi, you left a comment on my blog (thanks) so I wanted to come on over and check yours out. Some lovely things you make, not the least of which is your son. I like your stitching, I like your hair. I'll watch your blog to see what becomes of the piece you gave a taste of here.
What a lazy blogger I am, must be the bump making me that
Love the pics and all your creations are gorgeous as always.. Cant wait to catch up...
I hope all is well in your neck of the woods, haven't posted in a while. Take care and I hope you are enjoying a perfect week ~ :)
Happy Birthday to Cam...they do grow sooo fast don't they!
home based data entry
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